Process Mapping at MENDELU

The Department of Quality and Risk Assessment manages the process mapping of the rectorate and university-wide departments. This activity started at the beginning of 2019 and, in collaboration with staff members from various departments and divisions, nearly 70 processes in the fields of operations, quality, and creative,economic and personnel activities, have already been mapped as of March 2022. 

Processes are mapped in cooperation with staff members from individual departments, with the Department of Quality and Risk Assessment providing administrative, methodological and organisational support. In individual meetings, a process is first broken down in a flowchart showing it step by step, together with the persons responsible for the implementation of each activity. Subsequently, a process card is drawn up, which shows not only the basic process but also any related activities and processes. Associated regulations and risks are an important part of the card. The identification, evaluation and treatment of risks is carried out by the process owner with support of the Risk Manager.

Processes are reviewed at regular annual intervals to ensure they are up to date.

<< <  March 2009  > >>
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