Internal Evaluation Board

  • The Internal Evaluation Board of Mendel University in Brno is established, in accordance with Section 12a of Act No. 137/2016 Coll., on higher education institutions and on the amendment to some other acts (Higher Education Act), as amended, by the Statute of Mendel University in Brno.
  • The Internal Evaluation Board approves the draft rules of the quality assurance system concerning the quality of educational, creative and related activities and of the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of the University, presented by the Chairperson of the Internal Evaluation Board prior to presenting the draft rules to the University's Academic Senate.
  • The Internal Evaluation Board manages the course of the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of the University.
  • The Internal Evaluation Board keeps continuous records of the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of the University.
  • The Internal Evaluation Board prepares a report on the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of the University.

7. 3. 2023 (Tuesday)

14:00 o'clock

11. 4. 2023 (Tuesday)

14:00 o'clock

9. 5. 2023 (Wednesday)

14:00 o'clock

13. 6. 2023 (Tuesday)

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11. 7. 2023 (Tuesday)

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5. 9. 2023 (Tuesday)

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3. 10. 2023 (Tuesday)

14:00 o'clock

7. 11. 2023 (Tuesday)

14:00 o'clock

5. 12. 2023 (Tuesday)

14:00 o'clock



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